Scholarship Opportunities for Individuals
The Jewish Community Foundation administers funds that award scholarships benefiting New Mexicans; specifically, Jewish students interested in experiencing educational trips to Israel or Jewish summer camps, and Albuquerque-area students seeking tuition assistance to attend an accredited college or university.
Israel Experience Fund - $1,000 scholarships
Assists Jewish students and young adults from New Mexico to help finance an educational trip to Israel.
Click here to apply for an Israel Experience scholarship.
Application deadlines: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1; awards made 30 days later.
Galit Mares Scholarship Fund & Irving and Hertha Auerbach Fund for Jewish Identity - $250 to $500 camp scholarships
$250 to $500 camp scholarships
Funds in memory of Galit Mares and Irving & Hertha Auerbach provide scholarship awards for the benefit of Jewish youth from New Mexico for Jewish "sleep away" summer camp.
Apply between February 3 and March 14, 2025; award made April 15.
Neal Isbin Scholarship Fund - $1,000 college scholarships
In memory of activist Neil Isbin, the fund provides an annual scholarship for the benefit of an Albuquerque-area high school senior who demonstrates achievements or ongoing volunteer work supporting human rights and human dignity and who will be enrolling in an accredited nonprofit or public university or college in the fall.
Click here to apply for a Neil Isbin Scholarship.
Apply between February 3, and April 11, 2025; award made by June 1.
For details about how to apply for a scholarship, contact our Executive Director, 505.348.4472.
Grant Opportunities for Charitable Organizations
The Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico administers funds that award grants to local Jewish charitable organizations and charitable organizations supporting the needs of immigrants and refugees.
Jewish Women's Endowment Fund
Provides grants to support programs and services for New Mexico Jewish women and/or children in the areas of education, health, Jewish identity and social services.
Click here to apply for a Jewish Women's Endowment Fund grant.
Apply between February 10 and March 7, 2025; award made in late March.
Jewish Community Fund
Provides grants to support Jewish charitable organizations and programming in New Mexico. Applications accepted by invitation.
Immigrant & Refugee Assistance Fund
Provides grants to help support needs of immigrants and refugees in New Mexico such as legal assistance, education, workforce development and employment opportunities, and social services.
Applications accepted by invitation in March, 2025.
For details about how to apply for a grant, contact our Executive Director, 505.348.4472.